Tuesday, February 10, 2009

That Valentine Feelin'

I received the picture on the left in my mail - I couldn't stop giggling about it - it's just too goofy.

It's a Snowman's Convention in Regina.

The average Canadian man will spend $165.oo on their Valentine. I think I'm a bit low - is a bail out possible ?

The new Naicam Golf Simulator is very cool – this is so real you can actually walk around the find old top flites – Tonya to book 874 2337 – Pebble Beach, Pinehurst, Banff Springs – all those courses you can’t get on even if you had Andy Renault with ya.

Clean Out Your Computer Day – clean out your computer if -
...you’ve got icons on the desktop that even your kids don’t know what they represent
...your P4 has a top speed of just P1…..whatever that means
...the last time you cleaned it out was...... never
...you think Pentium must be Latin for..... “could this thing be any slower”
...if you push the wrong key.... suddenly you’re playing a game of pongWhat do you mean never heard of a Commodore 64

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition hits the stores - girls not eating for 6 weeks would be hard on anyone

Canada’s finance minister Jim Flaherty is already talking about the need for more stimulus
Lots of people are talking about President Obama’s upcoming five hour pitstop in Ottawa….when the President will…. Be spreading some of his stimulus package on… $8 dollar egg salad sandwiches at the airport and that’s about all.

Here’s the problem with it being freezing cold on Valentine’s Day…..even if you’re arguing with your better half… you have to snuggle just to keep warm
Ticketmaster and Live Nation are talking about a merger. We'd tell you more, but there's a huge service charge.

and too late to make the Noon News .......

SMITHSONIAN WANTS FRANKLIN HAT _ The Smithsonian Institution has asked the Aretha Franklin to donate the hat she wore during President Obama's inauguration. Personally when I saw the hat it looked a bit like a giant bat – I guess you could wear it for Easter.

The first Macintosh computer has turned 25 years old. And it's being used by that customer service representative you're always calling.

Erno Rubik invented the Rubiks Cube – he’s got a new game –he calls it "one of the most innovative and exciting puzzles we've developed since the cube, my original design, challenging the solver to use skill, dexterity and logic." Rubik's 360 – well it’s round and you’re average 5th grader will solve it.

Windows 7 now will be out this summer ….. Automatically calls your mom every time you log onto divas.com. available as a Beta if you want to give it a whirl• locating and destroys all non-Microsoft software on your computer.• Crashes twice as fast as Windows Vista.• Comes with free technical support until 2001!

Some experts are questioning the truth of the story of the two men found floating in a cooler at sea off the coast of Australia. They say now that it might not have been after a rider game.

What’s in a name?
The medal winning Olympic skier, Picabu Street
is not just an athlete; she is a nurse.
She currently works in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a large South African hospital.
She is not permitted to answer the telephone while she is at work,
It simply caused too much confusion when she would answer the phone and say:
“Picabu, ICU

Dieticians of Canada present Canada Nutrition Month in March – “Stay active and eat like a champion – go to www.dieticians.ca/eatwell and find out more. And don’t go back for 10th's at a fowl supper – I’ll have the cantelope pure-a please.

- Bill - heading to Puerto Plata Feb 19 09 with a Band of Brothers and Sisters