Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's Going to be an Exciting Week ...

Big time news coming up Tomorrow - we'll have some great guests in studio and we'll let you know how you can have a marvellous vacation during the winter of 2009. It's be a blast - stay tuned.

TOP FIVE SIGNS you’re Barbecue over the weekend sucked …..
5 Flies landing on potato salad died instantly
4 Those "summer birds" circling overhead sure looked like vultures
3 Health Department filming barbecue for their "How not to" series
2 Goodyear Blimp actually circling overhead thinking it was a disaster area.
And the Number One Sign your barbecue sucked over the weekend …. Dad yelled out in front of all the guests … , "Does this ostrich look done to you?"

An American couple is standing in an airport terminal somewhere in the States, waiting for their luggage.
The wife happens to notice an oddly dressed man - She asks her husband where he thinks the guy is from and the husband says he doesn’t know.
The Husband asks the guy .. 'Where are you from ?'
And the guy says …. 'Saskatoon, Saskatchewan'
And the wife says to her husband … 'Well, where is he from ?' and the husband says …
'I don't know' 'He doesn't speak English.

Top 5 things you got from Walking in Relay For Life you weren’t expecting ….
5 Lucrative sponsorship deal with Doctor Scholls.
4 When everybody was half asleep Verda Hoppe won enough money at crib to buy a car
3 You’re Calf Muscle which you hardly ever thought about, is … much, much larger than you really knew.
2 Technical director Mel McCorriston wants new computer - 4.5 gigaherz, 10 gigs of Ram - with at least 5 tetrabytes of storage space.
And the Number One thing you got from Relay for Life you weren’t expecting …… over 187,000 dollars to Beat Cancer !!!

Hey guys – bad news .. the push type lawn mower is making a comeback… because of our pollution problems and because people don’t mind a bit of a work out cutting the lawn…..and it all sounds like a good idea until you try to push it through long grass – then you power up the 15 horsepower weed wacker and scalp the lawn

The locking gas cap is making a comeback – no big surprise there – police are reporting siphoning of gas tanks – hybrid is the way to go now.

You know what is selling in record numbers – Tupperware – and it’s always a sign that the economy is so-so – lots of leftovers eaten at home – and storage for the ton of junk in the garage. More garage sales than ever before as well.

The average north American girl has eight Barbie dolls....although at any given time three of them are out of action.... lying naked at the bottom of the toy box

A Lancaster, New York, man was charged with public lewdness after police found him with a pair of boxer shorts around his ankles. The suspect told police he was "getting a tan."
This summer one Ohio baseball fan at a Lake County Captains game will win an all-expenses paid funeral. The funeral prize package is $6,000 and consists of a free basic casket, a free basic vault, and free service. A burial plot is not included. The winner will be picked at a game in August.

APPLE iPRODUCTS COULD SOON GO W/O ELECTRICITY _ Owners of Apple devices such as iPods and iPhones may soon be able to charge them up by leaving them out in the sun. Apple is working on alayer of solar cells to be inserted under a touch-sensitive screen of the sort used in the iPhone. And … voila .. no need for power.

The CBS chief is deciding whether to retain Katie Couric as the network's lead news anchor. [Or if they should resort to the traditional grumpy old man.]

Max Motors in Butler, Missouri, says sales have quadrupled since the start of the offer. Customers can choose between a gun or a $250 gas card, but most so far have chosen the gun. The dealership sells new and old vehicles and its logo shows a cowboy holding a pistol.

Motorcycle daredevil Robbie Knievel successfully jumped over 24 delivery trucks over the weekend. [He only had one shot to get it right. Couldn’t afford the gas for the second

-- need a little rain God, thanks -- Bill